Hope you are doing good. As our world is going through this tough time of fighting Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and trying to mitigate its spread, I thought it’d be worthy to collate and share (whatever I came across) Data-related stuff about COVID-19.

COVID-19 Open Research Dataset Challenge (CORD-19) https://www.kaggle.com/allen-institute-for-ai/CORD-19-research-challenge
nCov2019: An R package with real-time data, historical data and Shiny app - https://github.com/GuangchuangYu/nCov2019
coronavirus package provides a tidy format dataset - https://github.com/RamiKrispin/coronavirus
Day level information on covid-19 affected cases - https://www.kaggle.com/sudalairajkumar/novel-corona-virus-2019-dataset
Covid-19 Interactive Model - https://neherlab.org/covid19/
COVID-19 Dashboards (updated Hourly) - https://covid19dashboards.com/
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Tracker -https://github.com/JohnCoene/coronavirus
COVID19 India Tracker https://www.covid19india.org/
COVID19 India Tracker https://covid19india-network.now.sh/
Covid-19, your community, and you — a data science perspective (by Jeremy Howard and Rachel Thomas) - https://www.fast.ai/2020/03/09/coronavirus/
Meanwhile, Datacamp is running their Promo to help WFH employees learn Data Science and Machine Learning (75% is what I see from India - Proof Below)

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Take Care - Stay Healthy,
Abdul Majed